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Dělám u security žiju v Jičíně , jsem 173cm vysoký , jsem ve znamení LVA , nesnáším arogantní lidí…
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Obyčejnou ženu nejlépe z Jicina nebo Nová Paka
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Čo poviem, som za kazdu srandu, dobrodružstvo a kazdu vec na zlepšenie dňa alebo voľna,... ak sa…
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Tak, hľadám tu dievča, s ktorým sa budem cítiť dobre v dnešnom svete a budeme sa navzájom dopĺňať…
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I am interested
Man, 24
About me
Looking for
I am interested
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Can't say I am the best but if I can find love here, then I promise myself to make her the happiest…
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Honest, sincere, friendly lady who understands and knows the value of love.
I am interested
Man, 35
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Kind and nice ?
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Single lady or single mother with one kid, loving and caring lady
I am interested
Man, 27
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Let's play pretend that we are a couple until we actually get married and I can tell you. Fooled…
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Don't know right now
I am interested
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Looking for
I am interested
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Niekoho kto nehra tieto blbe psychologické hry a chce sa realne s niekym zoznámiť. Nepotrebujem hlad…
I am interested
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I'm 19 year old male who enjoys going to the gym,playing soccer and listening to music you'll find…
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Not sure yet
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